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Mingler network

Stimulating collaborations and meetings between artists and scientists

Mingler live 2023

Mingler Live 2023, foto Maarten Nauw.

Network of artists and scientists  

Art and science have creativity, fascination and dedication in common. Both disciplines can learn a lot from each other and are able to work well together. Stimulating collaborations at this intersection is what Mingler is all about. The aim of this initiative and network of The Young Academy and the Society of Arts is to make the sharing of knowledge and skills between these different professionals easier, more adventurous and richer. 

Mingler consists of two parts:  

  • Mingler Live 

Annual event where artists and scientists meet and explore collaborations. 

  • Mingler Scholarship 

The Scholarschip provides starting art and science collaborations with an initial financial incentive.

Who is Mingler for? 

Mingler is a network of and for artists and scientists who want to collaborate and are open to exploration and experiment. Mingler focuses on makers and thinkers who are curious about each other and who want to 'mingle' with other artists and scientists to explore and enter into collaborations. 

This initiative is intended for scientists and artists who already undertake activities at the intersection of art and science - such as a publication, art object, exhibition, film, creative industry projects - or who have concrete ideas for art and science projects. 

Participants have a clear and adequate motivation to meet people from different disciplines in science and the arts and to engage in substantive contact with them.

Mingler Live

Bringing together art and science: meet each other 

During the annual Mingler Live event, scientists and artists come into contact with each other and discover together the common ground and fascination for issues they share. What appeals to you or makes you want more information? Visit Mingler Live and get inspired by each other's research and experiences.

Mingler Scholarship  

Stimulating cooperation

In recent years, the Mingler Scholarship has been awarded once a year to a collaborative duo consisting of a scientist and an artist. With the Scholarschip we provide starting art and science collaborations with an initial financial incentive. The Scholarship consisted of an amount of € 10,000 (ten thousand euros) per duo and was made available by the Niemeijer Fund.


Mingler is an initiative of The Young Academy and the Society of Arts (both part of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences). 

Would you like to join Mingler, or do you have a question? Send an email to avk@knaw.nl attn. 'Mingler'.