Ramsey Nasr, photo by Bram Budel
Nasr published a collection of poetry, Tussen lelie en waterstofbom, in 2009. Apart from his literary work, he is a gifted actor and director. He has worked with the Zuidelijk Toneel, created solo performances, and plays roles in films and TV series.
In addition to his own theatre monologues, Nasr also directs musical theatre. In 2009, he was appointed Poet Laureate of the Netherlands for four years. His poetry collection Mijn nieuwe vaderland. Gedichten van crisis en angst , which addresses the relationship between art and culture and Dutch politics, received the 2011 E. du Perronprijs. His Hier komt de poëzie!, a seven-CD box set featuring his personal selection of Dutch-language poetry, represents an innovative approach to reaching a wider audience .
Nasr was awarded the Gouden Ganzenveer in 2013 and is part of Toneelgroep Amsterdam's core company of actors.