Photo by: Ed Lonnee
In his architectural firm West 8, which he founded shortly after graduating as a landscape architect in 1987, he takes a unique multidisciplinary approach to spatial planning that combines architecture, public space and infrastructure. West 8, with Geuze at its helm, has produced high-profile designs for parks in New York, Miami, Hong Kong, Seoul, Madrid and London.
In the Netherlands, Geuze is best known for Rotterdam's Schouwburgplein, Rotterdam Central Station, Máximapark and the urban plans for Amsterdam’s Borneo/Sporenburg and Eindhoven’s Strijp-S. He has revitalised urban planning by uniting it with landscape architecture and returning the two disciplines to the centre of public debate. West 8 has won many competitions and awards.
Geuze became extraordinary professor of landscape architecture at Wageningen University & Research in 2012. He regularly lectures and teaches at institutes worldwide.